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RS'crewdrivers contest

RS'CREWDRIVERS contest results :
RS’CREWDRIVERS contest winner week 8

  "I feel like a kid with a new toy! As a watchmaker i have always dreamnt of a Horotec screwdriver set. Thank you Horotec for this incredible set."
Guillem Gascó Estevez, RS’CREWDRIVERS contest winner week 7 

"Thank you so much, i am a happy watchmaker."
Peter (Denmark), RS’CREWDRIVERS contest winner week 6

"Wow!!! I'm so happy right now. Horotec was my dream piece of equipment for watchmaking. Now that I have a chance to own one, it's like a dream come true. Thank you for choosing me to win this prize."
Teerachote (Thailand), RS’CREWDRIVERS contest winner week 5

Luke (AU)  
Luke (Australia), RS’CREWDRIVERS contest winner week 4

"Ce concours m'encourage encore dans ce nouveau projet d’horlogerie et me permet également de compléter ma boite à outils avec des instruments de très bonne facture."
Thibaut (Belgique), gagnant du concours RS’CREWDRIVERS semaine 1


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