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MSA00.678 00.679


HOROTEC PREMIUM LINE lamp with variable light intensity in steps of 50-60-70-80-90-100 % thanks to new Stepdim technology.
- Thanks to an arm equipped with an innovative gas pressure spring, the lamp head can be easily positioned without using a locking screw (can be tilted if necessary)
- CRI 97 / Daylight colour temperature 5400 K
- Maximum lightning strength at a distance of 50 cm : 12 W lamp (100% = 1235 Lux, 50 % approx. 700 Lux) and 22 W lamp (100% = 2150 Lux, 50 % approx. 1100 Lux).
MSA00.678 /.679
MSA00.678 : 48 LED   /   220-240 V - 50-60 Hz   /   12 W-954   /   Head length 35.0 cm
MSA00.679 : 96 LED   /   220-240 V - 50-60 Hz   /   22 W-954   /   Head length 58.6 cm

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